
Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 8.x

Let's convert the old Mercedes Benz W205 non-Full-LED(aka Halogen) taillight to facelift (2019+) Full-LED taillight.  You need to install 4 new wires from the rear SAM to the taillights.


Credit to realeric from mbworld.  The tutorial is for educational purpose ONLY.



  • Full LED Taillights, left & right (Facelift, 2019+) (MB Part#: A205 906 5003, A 205 906 4903)
  • 10 Pin Taillight Connector (2 EA) (17 EA pins of 1.8mm x 1.8mm x 13.7mm outside, 0.63mm x 0.63mm inside)
  • Dupont connector female pins (2 EA) (1.8mm x 1.8mm x 16mm outside, 1.2mm x 0.6mm inside)
  • Crimping Molex Tool
  • 20 or 22 AWG Stranded TXL Wire (10ft x 4 EA)
  • Friction Tape (Harness Tape)
  • Tools: 8mm deep socket, T40 star bit, flat head precision screw driver set, utility knife.
  • Software: Windows 10 x64 Notebook, J2534 PassThru VXDIAG Benz C6, VCX SE Benz or SD C4, Xentry 2021.x~, DTS Monaco 8.x~


Estimated time to finish: 4~5 hours
Required skill level: mechanical - entry(1/5), electrical & crimping pins - entry(2/5), software variant coding - skilled(3/5).

Where to get the material:

  • Taillight: Mercedes dealership. I paid $440 total including two taillights + shipping.
  • Connector: Taillight connector is available on ebay/aliexpress but the rear SAM HD connector pins are not (or I couldn't find it). I purchased all from a distributor but they might have wanted to sell 20000+ instead of 2ea. I don't know if Mercedes dealerships have the pins.
  • Other tools: If you don't have a crimping tool, it's available on amazon for $15~. I recommend open barrel type. Friction tape is $9 on amazon. Automotive wire is $10~$25 on ebay/amazon (don't use PVC jacket wire).


1. Crimp the 4 new wires with two types of female pins.
2. Disconnect the Power, HD, HR, HL connectors from the rear SAM.
3. Disassemble the rear SAM connectors (HR, HL. HD(US vehicles only)).
4. Insert the 4 new wires into the rear SAM connectors (Ref: pin assignment table)
5. (US only – optional amber turn signal. You can skip) Move 2 pins, HL-18 à HL-3, and HR-10 à HR-12
6. Assemble the rear SAM connectors.
7. Plug the connectors to the rear SAM module.
8. Route the 4 new wires to the taillight.
9. Cut the old taillight plug off. (Take a picture to remember the wire colors).
10. Crimp the wires with female pins (1.8mm x 1.8mm x 13.7mm outside, 0.63mm x 0.63mm inside).
11. Assemble the pins + black frame + purple type D housing (or blue type C housing with tab removed).
12. Install the new LED taillights.
13. Do offline variant coding with DTS Monaco (or online SCN coding if you have a genuine Xentry tool & account).
14. Connect the 10-pin taillight plugs to the taillights

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 1

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 2

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 3

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 4

Tail Light Connector 10 – Left (US Driver) Side, 7 pins, Non Full-LED aka Halogen

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 5

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 6

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 7

Mercedes W205 Facelift LED Taillight Coding with DTS Monaco 8

Variant coding: Variant coding means "changing parameters stored in the control module". "Coding" doesn't mean "programming" but means "changing parameter". Have you ever change a setting on the control panel in Windows? It's the same. To change the parameters in the rear control module for the taillight (we call it "rear SAM"), you need a laptop running Windows 10 x64, SD C4 or PassThru device (there are many tools on the market), and DTS Monaco 8.x(software developed by Softing, Inc). Study the software for a while (days).


Online SCN Coding: If you have an online SCN account, add 38O (O is not zero but “O”scar) into online VeDoc system and do online SCN coding to EZS, Instrument Cluster, and Rear SAM. However, only dealerships or a few of independent shops can do it as it requires a genuine diagnostics tool and an online subscription account ($$$$$). Or you can hire someone just to add 38O to the online VeDoc ($$) and do offline variant coding.


Offline Variant Coding: If you don’t have an online SCN account, you can do it with DTS Monaco or Vediamo. The offline variant coding, however, can be erased when the rear SAM is re-flashed at dealerships as MB’s server in German don’t know the change history. Don’t worry about it too much as it hardly ever happen.

1. Add 38O (O as “O”scar) in the EZS (EZS222, 05 Variantenkodeung Schreiben) with DTS Monaco. I, however, couldn’t find a location for it in the EZS as it’s not a standard variant but a specific code only for a retrofit. That’s fine. Let’s skip this step.
2. WIS manual states Instrument Cluster also needs to be coded, but there was no variant related to the rear taillights. That’s fine. Let’s skip this step.
3. Change the rear SAM’s variants. Don’t panic. Follow the step-by-step instruction, then you can do it with easy. Remember, backup the current variant data before going forward.


Offline Variant Coding

0. Run DTS Monaco, create a project, add BC_R222.smr-d, create a workspace (do it offline in advance).
1. Connector the notebook PC to the vehicle using either a VXDIAG VCX SE PassThru device or a SD C4.
2. Turn the vehicle on (Don’t run the engine) (Off à Acc à On à Engine Run). (Turn off A/C to save battery)
3. Run DTS Monaco and open the workspace you have created.
4. Click on “Configuration” / “Execution Mode” and choose “Variant Coding” on the tab.
5. Select “BC_R222” for the rear SAM (BC_R222 is the name of the W205’s rear SAM control unit).
6. Press “Connect” if not connected automatically.
7. Click on “Save…” to backup the current data. (For example, save to “BC_R222_before.sgde”).
8. Find the parameters (see below), change it, click on “Do Coding”.
9. After having done all, reset BC_R222 (“BC_R222” / “Ecu Reset” / “hard reset” on the “Diagnostic Services” tab)
10. Check if the taillights work as you want.
11. Turn the vehicle off. Done.


Pros: It runs as factory installed. No shortcut.
Cons: It's only for DIYers for fun. If you hire someone for this, it will cost $$$ at least.

Note: If you buy EU/ROW taillights (amber turn signal), amber turn signal will blink instead of the red brake lights



How to Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 7.1.1?

The vxdiag vcx nano 6154 comes with standard packing, the wifi device itself is a blue color.

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 1

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 2

You can order it from the link below

quality is a pretty decent plastic solid impact-resistant kit.
A half meters cable quality is very good, connectors are firmly inserted, everything is as usual.
The supply voltage is maintained well or up to 32 volts. VCX nano is a single brand scanner, if you need a multi-brand device, vcx se 6154 is a better choice.

We will install the program Service 7.1.1 for vag group Audi Volkswagen diagnosis.

Software can be downloaded free on vxdiagshop.com 'Download' area.

Step 1: Install Setup

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 3

Run OffboardDiagSetup-Service as administrator
select the software language
choose next

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 4

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 5
Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 6

choosing a licensed file
wait for the installation completed

Right-click OffboardDiagLauncher go to Property
Copy, paste, replace OffboardDiagLauncher in Offboard-Diagnostic_Information_System_Service

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 7

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 8

Always run as administrator
Turn off your antivirus during installation


Step 2. Install PostSetup 

Right click OffboardDiagLauncher on desktop, go to Property
Run OffboardDiagLauncher as administrator
Install PostSetup
Select local directory
press Next
select language
wait until postsetup install completed

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 9

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 10

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 11

Step 3: Install VX Manager

Download and install latest version VX Manager 1.8.6 on vxdiagshop.com
Select vas 6154 program to install
Connect vxdiag vcx nano 6154 with vehicle
vx manager detects the hardware
update firmware and license
install passthru driver

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 12

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 13

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 14

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 15

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 16

 Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 17

Now we run O-D-I-S software
Connect VCX WiFi

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 18

In vx mamager, press Re-connect , device is connected via WiFi

Install VXDIAG VCX NANO 6154 Software 19
Software is ready to use.



How to Set up VXDIAG VCX SE Subaru SSM3?

Here comes the unbaised review of the vxdiag vcx se subaru diagnostic scanner.

'I purchased this unit to do one thing, register my H001SAL002 remote start installation on a 2018 Outback. It will only register via SSM3 and only under the Denso option when prompted, SSM4 will not present you the option to register the OEM remote start unit. After 2 weeks of messing around, I finally got everything to work correctly and got the remote starter activated. The cost was worth every penny, some mouthbreathing small brain tech wasn't in my wife's car butchering anything and now I have to ability to directly interact with the ECU as I should be.

When everything works correctly, it does exactly what it needs to do, one star lost for having to mess around with the software, VXdiag really needs to figure out a better process to make everything work correctly without tricks.vxdiag-vcx-se-subaru-review
Here are some steps to get everything working the first time:

1. Use a laptop that you don't care if you have to reset it, in fact I encourage starting with a fresh flash, DO NOT use your daily tuning laptop! You will be disappointed if you do bad things to your computer and have to start over, you've been warned.

2. DISABLE WINDOWS DEFENDER!!! If you can't do this, stop now and return this unit, DO NOT PROCEED. If you have a third party antivirus, turn it off. You only get one shot to do this right, DO NOT reboot the computer unless you have an exception setup for the patch.

3. Set your system clock to 1-1-2018, if you fail to do this, SSM4 will not install. If you change the clock later, SSM4 will lock you out and you have to reflash the system. If you dont do this, SSM4 wont even install and you need SSM4.

4. Only use the 2020.7 ISO, do not try to use the older 2018 build, it will work but will not work right.

5. ONLY install the programs from the Launcher, work from the bottom up

6. The Subaru.exe patch must be placed in and executed from c:\. If your system deletes it, you failed to follow instructions and should stop.

7. Install VXManager last, start it first.

8. Connect to the OBD interface, make sure the license updates before starting SSM3. Update SSM3 if needed before launching

9. Run Subaru SSM3 from the launcher only, it will not recognize the interface if you try to start it externally.

10. Try to scan the vehicle first, if you cant connect you wont be able to do anything else. If you made it this far you will be able to figure it out from here. Have fun.'


Toyota Scanner VXDIAG VCX NANO Review

How to choose a Toyota diagnostic system?

There are three types of diagnostic tools for a car

- At the dealer for money
- Using cheap connectors like ELM327
- Copies of dealer cables + crack dealer program


Option 1 is used as a last resort (and even then the qualifications of the OD diagnostician do not always meet expectations)

Option 2 is rejected because although the device shows errors and even resets them, but still for different brands of cars there are errors and their own decoding and a bunch of things.

Option 3 is the most convenient to have on hand.

Let's dwell on option 3.

You need to have a desire, a bit straight arms, a card with money, the ability to competently use search queries via the Internet and a laptop

For TOYOTA-LEXUS there is a diagnostic software- Toyota TechStream

Since we have Toyota, we find Toyota TechStream crack on the Internet, there are crack ones without an activation key.

And the cable itself. Native Mongoose cable costs about 500 $, which is expensive for home use. Therefore, after reading a bunch of forums, I found for myself VXDIAG VCX NANO for TOYOTA for more than 80.

Having installed the program, activated it, installed the drivers for the interface, and made the first launch of the program. Surprisingly, the program started without errors, even recognized the string. Easily hooked up to my car.

Showed me any errors and cleared them. And even (having an Internet connection) told me that for my ECU there is a new firmware (calibration) (which needs to be downloaded and installed).

To download the calibration, you must have access to the Toyota website techinfo.toyota.com

Americans, they are great, they sell access to calibrations for 50 in 2 days, during these 2 days you can independently flash a whole unit of Lexus and Toyota.

You can read about the program itself, its functionality and capabilities, by googling a little.

Below is a screenshot of the program on my machine, with errors and a suggestion to flash it.

Toyota Scanner VXDIAG VCX NANO Review

I will flash it myself after I fix the fuel system. It is great for the money.


VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012

He saved and saved and saved. I was periodically tormented by a stupid error message about the charge optimization system on the Mazda CX-5 (1G) Engine 2.0 petrol (150 hp) 2012. Found the device a clone of the original official device IDS for relatively less money vxdiag vcx nano for ford/mazda.

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 1

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 2

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 3

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 4

There are official representatives, and there are sellers with Aliexpress. In the first case, they give all guarantees that the device is original + full support, but take a bit more than Ali. In the second case, it is cheaper, but you can get it without a guarantee and support. So i decided to order it from vxdiagshop.com. Download and install the Mazda IDS software, a patch, and drove it into the car.
Software took here www.vxdiagshop.com/info/download/
First I looked at the auto settings, parameters, went into programming, the program gave a message that there was a new pcm firmware version L, in fact, this was what I needed, I had G.

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 5

Launched the firmware. Of course, it was scary to screw up the module, but everything went well, I waited for about 5 minutes. I will test and watch the battery charge.
There was no update on the box and the rest of the modules.

I am attaching a table from the bulletin on charge optimization.

VXDIAG VCX Mazda IDS Diagnose CX-5 2012 6


VXIDAG VCX SE for ICOM Next for BMW F Series

Here comes the unbiased review of vxdiag vcx se bmw on F series.

"I drive BMW 6 series Convertible 650I N62B48 and BMW 7 series 730LD.

For a long time I wanted to get away from the d-can cable (inpa), due to the fact that I began to actively repair BMW seriously.

And sometimes you have to not only read or code errors, but also program the control units. Yes, and a lot of F series went. So it needs to be updated.

With the D-can, the programming procedure is quite dangerous. Although I confess I did this, but at my own peril and risk.

I was not ready to buy the original icom next for 700 euros.

The Chinese icom also decided not to take it because of its unreliability, and there are plenty of copies on the copy. But it's clear what you buy.

But VXDIAG is a Chinese development for which fakes are not made. At least I don't know.

What is VXDIAG and what is its functionality?

1. Reading errors
2. Coding
4. Work of all functions via WiFi.

In fact, it gives all the features of the original Icom.

Well, a good price for such opportunities.

Icom original 700 euros
Icom China 200 euros
VXDIAG 140 euros.


Arrived very fast, already made a quick test. My VCX SE BMW work super well with ISTA+ (4.28), INPA, ESYS.

VXDIAG Update License Failed Error 805 Solution

Here comes the problem: I've downloaded the newer version vx manager 1.8.6 and tried to renew the license of vxdiag full multi brand device, it failed me and now all licenses are blank.


Update License failed, retry. Error info 805 database error occurred. "

VXDIAG Update License Failed Error 805 Solution 1

VXDIAG Update License Failed Error 805 Solution 2

VXdiagshop.com solution:

If update vx magager to a new version, DON'T FORGET to update the firmware as well. 

Click on Firmware to run an upgrade.

Then update license after firmware upgrade is completed.


How to Activate VXDIAG Toyota Techstream 16.20.023?


I have installed the Techsteam V16.20.023 software and Toyota Launcher.exer patch for vxdiag vcx nano Toyota.  The software asks for an activation key.  Where can i get the activation key?


Vxdiagshop.com solution:

Vxdiag Toyota pacth download resource contains a PatchID.exe.  (Check: Techstream V16.20.023 software and patch download)

Activate VXDIAG Toyota Techstream  1

Run PatchID.exe, copy and paste the Software ID to PatchID.exe.

Activate VXDIAG Toyota Techstream  2

Activate VXDIAG Toyota Techstream 3

Press OK to generate an activation key.

Paste registration key to Techstream corresponding area.

Click on Software Registration, software is activated and ready to use.



How to Fix VXDIAG VCX NANO JLR DoIP License Invalid or Expired?


I am doing a Land rover 2006 LR3 HSE V8 with 4.4 engine with vxdiag vcx nano jlr sdd scanner. I've downloaded SDD Full160 and got http Error:500 splash_screen_boot.index. SDD keeps loading won't continue.

I also tried to update JLR DoIP driver in vx manager, it failed to and says the device license for this application is invalid or expired. How can i fix this.

VXDIAG VCX NANO JLR DoIP License Invalid 1

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VXDIAG VCX NANO JLR DoIP License Invalid 7

VXDIAG VCX NANO JLR DoIP License Invalid 8

Vxdiagshop.com solution:

1. Make sure you have installed the patch for JLR SDD. Run SDD from the patch.  Don't start SDD from vx manager JLR SDD driver !!!

Check: JLR SDD V160 Download & Installation

2. You don't need to update DoIP driver for vcx nano.

DoIP driver (or license) is used for Pathfinder for newer Jaguar Land rover 2017 onwards.

Besides, DoIP license cannot be added to the vcx nano jlr device. The license invalid error occurs if you are trying to update the DoIP driver.
You will need VXDIAG VCX SE JLR or JLR DoIP VCI interface to access DoIP models.


How to Fix VXDIAG Benz C6 Driver 'File Check Failed' ?


I need help. Failed to update the driver for vxdiag benz c6 doip scanner. VX manager says 'the file check failed, please try again !' Any idea?

vxdiag benz c6 driver file check failed error 1


Run the' XENTRY VCI Recovery' program on the desktop to sync with the C6 driver as image shown below.

Update VCI to the corresponding version.

Don't force update the VCI driver to latetst version if not using 12/2021 Xentry.

vxdiag benz c6 driver file check failed error solution

Related reading:

Update VX Manager to 1.8.6 and Benz C6 Driver


VXDIAG Benz Xentry Software Update to V2021.12

Allscanner VXDIAG released the new Benz Xentry software 2021.12 on Jan, 8th, 2022.


VXDIAG Benz Software: 2021.12

EPC/WIS 11/2018
StarFinder 2016-2020
SDmedia 2014
DTS Monaco 8.13.029

Win10 x 64bit system


Affected devices:  VXDIAG Benz C6, VCX SE Benz, VCX Plus Benz DoIP, VXDIAG Full etc



Requires V1.8.6 and later vx manager and new C6 driver (check update vx manager and c6 driver)

Before it only recognized as passthru now with the new vx manager drivers all c6, passthru and DoIP works in DTS.


12/2020 Xentry Images Display

Format: HDD or SSD











