
VXDIAG vs Autel vs Foxwell for Honda Clarity

Honda Clarity OBD diagnostic tool Autel, Foxwell, or VXDIAG Honda HDS scanner? Here comes the user review:


“I have a Foxwell and Autel diagnostics tools that have gotten me by with what I needed to be done.

HDS is definitely increased functionality vs the Foxwell NT710 Elite or the Autel ITS600 (Pro functions enabled,) which are easier to use.

I got a VXDIAG VCX SE Full from vxdiagshop.com because I could get all brands onto one dedicated laptop (started with PIWIS 3).

It took some tinkering to get it to work right out of the box via updated software and firmware for our Porsche, but immediately paid itself in return for the problem I was diagnosing on that car.

The most helpful so far has been occasionally signing up for Honda’s Tech Info and compiling what I need via PDFCreator (in the 74,xxx mi) that we have on our Clarity:

I do almost all services for our Clarity personally, except warranty/recalls and the first free oil change. I even rotated tires when the tire store started asking me to replace them until I felt they were really worn down. Sunday as I was driving car chimed and said “Service Due”. I suspected correctly it needed a tire rotation, rotated in the driveway and reset.”


Both Autel and HDS will do diagnostic and service function. Autel/Foxwell scanner cannot do programming. VXDIAG will do with Honda online subscription, even key programming.

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